Double Chin No More – By J. Raza

Photography Credits: Giuliamar

Let’s talk about this stubborn chin fat, or is it a double chin? What ever you call it, it definitely is frustrating, altering the looks of our faces.  How can we get rid of it? I will discuss some of the main factors in this article.

Are you wearing a high-neck top or scarf and tilting your heads just right when your photos are taken? Do you feel like if it weren’t for makeup tricks, such as contouring and the like, you wouldn’t go out?

How is this extra piece of flesh caused? The extra layer of fatty tissue under our chins is most often caused by being overweight. Sagging skin under the chin can also occur as we age and our skin loses elasticity. For a few, it can be genetic. All of these reasons mentioned can be really upsetting to us women. While there are surgical procedures that can eliminate a double chin, they can be expensive. However, there are many simple home treatment options to get rid of a double chin that are pocket-friendly and painless. Continue reading “Double Chin No More – By J. Raza”

Fasting: Rehab Your Body – By Dr. Abdullah Bahi

Photography credit: laurentvalentinjospio

In many religions, fasting is considered one of the most common rituals. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other religions promote fasting as an obligation or a way to get closer to God. This has been studied lately leading to the discovery of interesting health and spiritual benefits of fasting.

Fasting in many cultures is the willing of abstinence (or reduction of) from all or some food, drink, or both for some period of time. It is believed that it’s a great spiritual exercise for the soul to learn how to control one’s desires.
Other than the fact that fasting helps reduce weight, it helps remove toxins and waste products from the body. In addition, many people who perform the habit of fasting feel more energetic, which is met by a surprise because they believe it is the ingestion of food that gives them energy. This is not very far from the truth,  however, the body needs some rest every once in a while from the energy consuming process of digestion, especially if bad dietary habits are involved. And since the majority of people have unhealthy dietary habits, many dietary centers encourage intermittent fasting as a way of “resetting” the body.

Continue reading “Fasting: Rehab Your Body – By Dr. Abdullah Bahi”

The Gym is Not the Answer – By Dr. Abdullah Bahi

Many people think that the answer to their miseries and their nightmares of standing on a scale is going to the gym.

“30 minutes on the treadmill and 45 minutes on the elliptical and I will be in shape in just 6 months – my friend who lost 30 pounds told me that!”

This idea is not entirely correct. There is definitely a piece of puzzle missing in that advice. Continue reading “The Gym is Not the Answer – By Dr. Abdullah Bahi”

Do or Diet – By T. Baker

Slim is in…or so the talk show hosts, Oscar winning actresses and the aloof models on the covers of glossy magazines keep on telling us. The 21st century has brought many a change into the world, but some of them not so great. Continue reading “Do or Diet – By T. Baker”